Friday, August 23, 2013

Instagram for PC scam

There have been advertisements during the last few days about Instagram for PC. Be aware that these ads are pure scam and no PC version of Instagram exists.

instagram alert symbol
Instagram for PC advertisements have been displayed on certain websites, such as Facebook and Twitter during the last days. The advertisement states that Instagram is now available for PC similar to as how it is available for smartphones. This, however, is a scam.

Users who have followed the links have instead downloaded some files, which by themselves do not contain malicious code, but upon executing, the users are instead directed to a website where they are asked to complete a survey. 

The purpose of the scam is likely to make money for the authors by forcing users to complete surveys for them using their referral code.

Nonetheless, the scam campaign has attracted a lot of interest and has been shared more than 6000 times on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

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