Friday, August 23, 2013

Lenovo Windows 8 computers delivered with start menu

The removal of the start menu in Windows 8 upset many users. Lenovo has now announced that it will start delivering computers with start menu using Pokki.

windows start menu best
In Windows 8, Microsoft decided to remove the classical beloved start menu, which resulted in massive protests from the users. Microsoft therefore decided to attempt and patch things up by re-introducing a start-menu like element in the upcoming windows 8.1 release. However, Lenovo takes the whole thing one step further and has decided to deliver its Windows 8 computers with the start menu enabled by default.

The Windows 8 start menu functionality is enabled through the Pokki framework and will certainly cause some irritation over at Microsoft. The Pokki Menu which will be used will allow users to drag-and-drop elements and will behave in a similar way as the traditional start menu that many have sought for.

Pokki for Windows 8 was released in October 2012 as a free software and has since become widely popular used by millions of users world wide for its start-menu functionality.

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